Many people do not realize that their sleeping habits could be one of the primary causes for some of their pain issues. You might occasionally wake up with pain in your shoulders, neck or back and assume that you just slept in the wrong position that night, but a lifetime ... Read More
A cyclist is particularly vulnerable when they are on the road. In instances where an automobile collides with a person a bicycle, there is the potential for serious injuries. If you have ever been hit by a car while riding a bike, the situation can be terrifying. Unfortunately, in these ... Read More
October 31, 2017clubwest
Any automobile accident can be a traumatic experience. If you are a pedestrian that has been hit by a car, the emotions can run even higher. Because of the emotions and the trauma of the incident, many people make crucial mistakes in the moments and days that follow the incident.
As ... Read More
September 25, 2017clubwest
When a person has vertigo, they will have attacks where they feel like they or the environment around them is tilting and spinning. For some, the vertigo can be mild and it may only last a few seconds and for others, it can be severe and last from anywhere to ... Read More
August 25, 2017clubwest
Here are 5 tips to reduce breast cancer risk while living your normal life. Approximately one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime, and it is estimated that close to a quarter of a million cases are diagnosed each year. While there ... Read More
July 17, 2017clubwest
Everyday Health Risks
Simple daily habits such as wearing a Fitbit, putting your wallet in your back pocket, and carrying a heavy purse can have dangerous impacts on your health.
Is your Fitbit causing arm pain or arm numbness and tingling?
Wearing a Fitbit could cause potential dangers to your health. There have ... Read More
June 5, 2017clubwest
Chiropractic Care For Athletes
Chiropractors treat patients of all different types, for a wide range of different reasons. We treat people in every age group, from all sorts of professional backgrounds, and we treat people with varying levels of personal fitness. Among the people that most commonly seek chiropractic care are ... Read More
May 22, 2017clubwest
Water 2.0
Did you know your body can’t tell the difference between hunger and thirst? When your stomach is growling around the early afternoon snack time, it might really be growling because you have not consumed enough water for the day. We lose a lot of water throughout the night/day through ... Read More
April 17, 2017clubwest
How a Chiropractor Can Help With Migraines
Migraines and headaches are quite common. Upwards of 90% of people experience some level of headache to some degree of regularity. For people that have migraines, the problem is much more severe than it is with people that experience headaches that ... Read More
March 31, 2017clubwest
Ways a Chiropractor Can Help Following a Car AccidentWith car accidents, all sorts of injuries are possible. Of course, there are serious injuries that may require immediate attention and time in the hospital, but you also have less severe injuries that may not even be apparent in the moments immediately ... Read More
February 22, 2017clubwest